Making interdisciplinary research work
Assistive health technologies for independent living: a pilot study. Lessons Learned for Interdisciplinary Research: Good Practice (2013-2014)
A pilot research project to test the findings from Making Interdisciplinary Research Work – Achieving a Sustainable Australia and Making Interdisciplinary Research Work – Evaluation Framework and Report September 2014
The final component of Making interdisciplinary research work will road test the model of interdisciplinary research developed in the first two reports using a ‘live’ scenario to address one of the key challenges confronting Australia today. Assistive Health Technologies for Independent Living: A Pilot Study looks at the need to enable elderly and disabled individuals to live longer within their own home through the application of smarter and more cost-effective approaches to assistive technologies. The project will explore the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach to the technological, social and ethical issues surrounding technology-based solutions for aged and disabled housing.
The practicality, usefulness and relative importance of including (or omitting) the key considerations identified to date by Making interdisciplinary research work will be monitored during the execution of the final project.
Download the report and evaluation framework for Assistive Health Technologies for Independent Living (top right).
Project Steering Committee
Peter Laver AM (Chair) ATSE |
Professor Leon Mann FASSA |
Professor Karen Reynolds FTSE |
Professor Rod Tucker FAA |
Professor Alison Bashford FAHA |
Dr Jacques de Vos Malan (ACOLA Secretariat) Observer |
Expert Working Group
Professor Greg Tegart (co-chair) AM FTSE |
Associate Professor Elizabeth Ozanne |
Dr Erol Harvey (co-chair) FTSE |
Ms Anne Livingstone |
Professor Jeffrey Soar | Dr Clarissa Martin |
Project Funding & Support
ACOLA gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council. This research was funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council.
Project Manager
Dr Jacques de Vos Malan, ACOLA