ACOLA Research Committee
The Australian Council of Learned Academies is an Approved Research Institute as approved by the Australian Department of Education and Training. To obtain and maintain this status, the ACOLA Research Committee was established in May 2018.
The Research Committee’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the research undertaken by ACOLA is scientific (defined as systematic and organised) in nature and that it is, or may prove to be, of value to Australia. It follows that Members of the Research Committee must be appropriately qualified in the field of research that is to be undertaken or have appropriate experience in reviewing research.
An additional responsibility of the Research Committee is for it to maintain effective control over disbursement of any funds that have been donated to the company and for which the donor has been entitled to an income tax deduction. Any such disbursement of funds may only be on research activities consistent with ACOLA’s Objects.
The Presidents of ACOLA’s Member and Associate Member Academies have been nominated and elected to serve on this committee.