Securing Australia’s Future
SAF02: International comparisons of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
A vibrant capacity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is pivotal to increasing our nation’s productivity.
Building on recent research commissioned by Australia’s Chief Scientist to identify STEM skills shortages, this project will critically examine existing solutions to the STEM skills shortage in comparable countries and to ascertain which, if any, of those solutions could be usefully applied to the formation and maintenance of a STEM skills workforce and propose a set of options for increasing Australia’s productivity and international competitiveness.
“Of particular interest in the Report are the striking similarities found in countries strong in STEM, despite significant cultural, political and economic differences”
Professor Lesley Johnson AM FAHA
President, ACOLA (2013)
Expert Working Group Members
ACOLA, for its established ability to deliver interdisciplinary evidence-based research that draws on specialist expertise from Australia’s Learned Academies, convenes the SAF02 Expert Working Group (EWG) to guide the development of a targeted study that draws input from several disciplines to create a well-considered, balanced and peer-reviewed report.
The role of the EWG is to provide strategic oversight and provide expert input, analysis and provocative thinking.
Professor Simon Marginson (Chair) | Professor Russell Tytler (Deputy) |
Professor Stephen Gaukroger | Mr David Hind |
Professor Nalini Joshi | Professor Geoff Prince |
Professor Sue Richardson |
Professor Simon Marginson | Professor Russell Tytler |
Brigid Freeman | Kelly Roberts |
Peer Reviewers
This report has been reviewed by an independent panel of experts. Members of this review panel were not asked to endorse the Report’s conclusions and findings. The Review Panel members acted in a personal, not organisational, capacity and were asked to declare any conflicts of interest.
ACOLA gratefully acknowledges their contribution.
Professor Lyn English | Professor Denis Goodrum |
Professor Richard Gunstone | Dr Doreen Clark |
Project Funding and Support
ACOLA gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the Australian Government through the Commonwealth Science Council; Australian Research Council and the Office of the Chief Scientist. This research was funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council.
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We would like to thank the project participants David Atkins (DEEWR), Will Howard (Office of the Chief Scientist) and Karen Welsh (DIICCSRTE). We would also like to thank Ann Harding, who was a Project Consultant. We would like to thank Jane Aitken (DEEWR) and Esther Robinson (DEEWR). The project was supported and managed by ACOLA Secretariat. We are grateful to Jacques de Vos Malan, General Manager, and Rebecca Skinner, Communications and Project Manager.
Project Management Support
Rebecca Skinner, Communications and Project Manager, ACOLA Secretariat |
Jacques de Vos Malan, General Manager, ACOLA Secretariat |
Project services provided by ACOLA Secretariat |
STEM Country Comparisons – Contributing Consultants Reports
Country, regional and special interest reports on STEM commissioned for Securing Australia’s Future STEM: Country Comparisons (SAF02).
China | Yuan Gao, University of Melbourne | Report on China’s STEM System |
Taiwan | Yuan Gao, University of Melbourne | Report on Taiwan: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) |
Japan | Mayumi Ishikawa, Shota Fujii, Ashlyn Moehle, Osaka University | STEM Country Comparisons: Japan |
Singapore | Noraini Idris, Mohd Fadzil Daud, Chew Cheng Meng, Leong Kwan Eu, Ahmad Dzohir Ariffin @ Maarof, University of Malaya | Country Report Singapore STEM |
Korea | Jae-Eun Jon, Korea University and Hae-In Chung, University of Minnesota | STEM Report – Republic of Korea |
United States | Adam Maltese, Indiana University; Florin Lung and Geoff Potvin, Clemson University; Craig Hochbein, University of Louiseville | STEM Education in the United States |
Canada | Julian Weinrib and Glen Jones, University of Toronto | Canada’s Approach to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): Context, Policy, Strategy and Programs |
Western Europe Regional Report (including Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland) | Ian Dobson, University of Ballarat | … a critical examination of existing solutions to the STEM skills shortage in comparable [European] countries |
Finland | Ian Dobson, University of Ballarat | … a critical examination of existing solutions to the STEM skills shortage in comparable [European] countries: Finland Country Report |
France | Elodie de Oliveira, OECD and Kelly Roberts, University of Melbourne | Literature Review: STEM Education in France |
United Kingdom | Anthony Tomei, Emily Dawson and Justin Dillon, Kings College London |
A study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education in the United Kingdom |
New Zealand | Cathy Buntting and Alister Jones, University of Waikato; Liz McKinley and Mark Gan, University of Auckland | STEM initiatives and issues in New Zealand |
Russia | Anna Smolentseva, Higher School of Economics, Moscow | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Issues of Educational Policy in Russia |
Brazil | Hugo Horta, Technical University of Lisbon | Education in Brazil: Access, quality and STEM |
Portugal | Hugo Horta, Technical University of Lisbon | STEM education in Portugal: Education, policies and labor market |
Argentina | Cynthia Fernandez Roich, University of Melbourne | Study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and STEM-related issues in Argentina |
Israel | Gili Drori and Avida Netivi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | STEM in Israel: The Educational Foundation of ‘Start-Up Nation’ |
United States Indigenous | Sharon S. Nelson-Barber Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL) |
US Indigenous STEM Report |
Canada Indigenous | Glen Aikenhead, University of Saskatchewan | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education and Related Employment for Indigenous Students and Citizens of Saskatchewan |
South Africa | Michael Kahn, Stellenbosch University | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in South Africa |
Australian Labour Market | Josh Healy, Kostas Mavromaras, Rong Zhu, Flinders University | The STEM Labour Market in Australia |
Literature Review: Student Identity | Marilyn Cole, Deakin University | Literature review update: Student identity in relation to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subject choices and career aspirations |
International Agencies | Kelly Roberts, University of Melbourne | Literature Review – A selection of the work of international organisations on STEM education and STEM‑related issues |
Australia | Brigid Freeman, University of Melbourne | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Australia: Practice, policy and programs |
Snapshots | Brigid Freeman, University of Melbourne | Snapshots of 23 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)consultants’ reports: Characteristics, lessons, policies and programs |
Recommendations, Publications and Presentations
Recommendations by the Office of the Chief Scientist
Recommendations were developed by the Office of the Chief Scientist in consultation with relevant government departments and the expert working groups responsible for the reports.
- Recommendations were developed by the Office of the Chief Scientist in consultation with relevant government departments and the expert working groups responsible for the reports.
• Recommendations from the findings of the ACOLA report STEM: Country Comparisons (PDF)
• The Chief Scientist’s report, Mathematics, Engineering and Science in the National Interest
• Mathematics, Engineering and Science in the National Interest (PDF) - Australia’s Chief Scientist Professor Ian Chubb has appointed a group to advise on strategies and priorities regarding STEM education, skills in the workplace and literacy for the community. The STEM Industry and Education Advisory Group offers a range of perspectives from academia, education, industry and research.
• New advisory group on stem education and skills
- Science, maths crucial to stemming the slide, Expert Working Group Chair, Professor Simon Marginson, writing in the Higher Education supplement of the The Australian on 20 March 2013
- On 31 July 2013, Chief Scientist Professor Ian Chubb released the position paper (below). The paper presents an approach for a national strategy to guide Australia’s STEM enterprise and was released in an address to the National Press Club.
• Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in the National Interest: A Strategic Approach
• Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the National Interest: A Strategic Approach. (PDF)
• National Press Club Address, speech by Professor Ian Chubb (PDF)