asian fortune cookie and business opportunities

Australia’s economic edge: the Asian business diasporas

Australia’s human bridges to Asia are critical national infrastructure, according to a new report from the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA). With Asian nations rising as the super-economies of the century ahead, the report, Australia’s Diaspora Advantage: Realising the potential for building transnational business networks with Asia, charts the path to stronger engagement for…

ACOLA SAF13 Review of Australia's Research Training System

Research training system review

Securing Australia’s Future SAF13: Research training system review Australia’s Higher Degree by Research (HDR) training system is critical to our future economic strength. It provides a highly qualified research workforce, enabling research and innovation across the academic, industry, government and not-for-profit sectors, as well as contributing substantially to Australia’s and the world’s body of knowledge.…

ACOLA SAF11 Australia's Diaspora Advantage: Realising the potential for building transnational business networks with Asia

Australia’s Diaspora Advantage: Realising the potential for building transnational business networks with Asia

Securing Australia’s Future SAF11: Australia’s Diaspora Advantage: Realising the potential for building transnational business networks with Asia As a dynamic economy in a rapidly developing region, Australia seeks to utilise all available resources to manage regional opportunities and risks for growth and stability. Australia’s international business relations are strengthened by the diasporas, of which Asian…

ACOLA Future Earth Australia

Future Earth Australia

Future Earth Australia Future Earth Australia has been established with funding from the Australian Council of Learned Academies to coordinate Australia’s participation in the global Future Earth Initiative, a new international platform for building and connecting global knowledge to intensify the impact of research and find new ways to accelerate sustainable development. Future Earth aims…