Professor Yu is the Pro Vice-Chancellor and President of the Monash University-Southeast University Joint Research Institute in Suzhou, China.
Specialising in process metallurgy, Professor Yu obtained a Bachelor (1982) and Master of Engineering (1985) from Northeastern University, a PhD in 1990 from the University of Wollongong, and a doctor of Science in 2007 from the University of New South Wales.
He is a recipient of a number of prestigious awards and fellowships including an ARC Federation Fellowship, the Josef Kapitan Award from the Iron and Steel Society, the Ian Wark Medal from the Australian Academy of Science, the Exxon Mobil Award from the Australian and New Zealand Federation of Chemical Engineers, and NSW Scientist of the Year 2010.
He was elected to the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in 2004, and to the Australian Academy of Science in 2011.
[May 2016]