Dr Bruce Godfrey’s career has been built in business, innovation investment and technology development fields.
Dr Godfrey completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) at the University of Queensland and a PhD in solar photovoltaics at the University of New South Wales. He has focused on the advancement and commercialisation of technologies (particularly new energy technologies – renewable, enabling and low emission fossil), investment readiness of products and companies, and innovation policy and programs.
In addition to his full-time management, technical and consulting roles since 1980, Bruce has been a member of assessment committees for numerous Commonwealth and Victorian government R&D and innovation and deployment support programs across a wide range of energy technologies including solar, wind, geothermal, marine, biofuels, fuel cells, hydrogen, battery storage, enabling and distributed energy resources integration and brown coal utilisation. He understands well the opportunities and challenges for developers and suppliers of new and renewable energy technologies, products and services that are used in or could penetrate energy supply chains in Australia and overseas.
A Fellow of the Academy of Technology and Engineering, he is a Director and Vice-President Diversity of the Academy. He has chaired Expert Working Groups for the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) on Delivering Sustainable Urban Mobility (2015) and on Energy Storage (2017).
[April 2020]