Professor Louis Waller

Professor Louis WallerAO FASSA Emeritus Professor Louis Waller AO FASSA held the Sir Leo Cussen Chair of Law in Monash University from, 1965 to 2000. His principle fields of teaching and research were Criminal Law and Evidence, and in the last two decades of this tenure, Law and Medicine and Forensic Medicine. He was Victorian…

Professor Paul Griffiths

Professor Paul GriffithsFAHA A philosopher of science with a focus on biology and psychology, Paul was educated at Cambridge and the Australian National University, receiving his PhD in 1989. He heads the Theory and Method in Bioscience project node of the Charles Perkins Centre, a major new initiative at Sydney focused on interdisciplinary research  into…

Professor Rob Sparrow

Professor Rob Sparrow Rob Sparrow is a Professor in the Philosophy Program, a Chief Investigator in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science, and an adjunct Professor in the Monash Bioethics Centre, at Monash University where he works on ethical issues raised by new technologies. He has been an ARC Future Fellow,…

Dr Sue Meek

Dr Sue MeekAO FTSE FAICD Dr Sue Meek specialises in working at the interface of academe, industry, government and non-government entities to increase awareness and understanding of the economic and social implications of science. and technology and to facilitate the conduct, application and commercialisation of research and development. As Principal of Sue Meek and Associates,…

Professor Richard H Furneaux

Professor Richard FurneauxFNZIC FRSNZ As Director of the Ferrier Research Institute of Victoria University of Wellington he leads a world – renowned team of 38 research  scientists and 17 PhD students. A major focus is the discovery and commercialization of “Glycotherapeutics”  – drugs and dietary supplements based upon knowledge of the role of carbohydrates molecules…

Professor Chris Easton

Professor Chris EastonFAA Chris Easton is Professor of Chemistry at the Australian National University, where his research interests evolve around understanding and exploiting the chemistry of biological systems . He graduated from Flinders University and the University Adelaide, before holding positions at Harvard University, the Australian National University,  the University of Canterbury (NZ) and the …

Professor Catherine Waldby

Professor Catherine WaldbyFASSA Professor Catherine Waldby is Director of the Research School of the Social Sciences at the Australian National University, and Visiting Professor at the Department of Social Science and Medicine at King’s College, London . Prior to this, she was Professorial Future Fellow in the School of Social  and Political Sciences at the…

Associate Professor Claudia Vickers

Associate Professor Claudia Vickers A/Professor Vickers holds dual roles as Director of the CSIRO Synthetic Biology  Future Science Platform at CSIRO and Group Leader in the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology at the University of Queensland (UQ). She completed her PhD in cereal crop biotechnology at CSIRO Plant Industry and UQ in 2004. She…

Professor Ian Small

Professor Ian SmallFAA Professor Ian Small’s research interests into the growth and development of living organisms is largely determined by the genes they contain, but converting the genetic information into biological activity requires intermediary processes involving ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins that bind to and process this RNA. Professor Small aims to understand how the…

Professor Lesley Head

Professor Lesley HeadFASSA FAHA Professor Lesley Head FASSA FAHA is Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Head of the School of Geography at the University of Melbourne. She held an ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship at the University Wollongong from 2009-14. Her research focusses on both prehistoric and contemporary human interactions with the Australian environment, drawing on…