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2013 ACOLA Annual Report

2013 Annual Report   2012/13 has seen ACOLA Secretariat Ltd take on a new role, initiated by Australia’s Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb AO, and utilising its function as the liaison body between the four Learned Academies. Since June 2012, the company has managed a major new three-year multidisciplinary research program Securing Australia’s Future, providing…

ACOLA SAF02 STEM: Country comparisons

STEM Country Comparisons

Securing Australia’s Future SAF02: International comparisons of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) A vibrant capacity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is pivotal to increasing our nation’s productivity. Building on recent research commissioned by Australia’s Chief Scientist to identify STEM skills shortages, this project will critically examine existing solutions to the STEM skills…

shale gas fracking

ACOLA Report finds success of an Australian shale gas industry depends on effective regulation – and the right rocks

ACOLA today launches a new report, which for the first time examines the spectrum of issues facing the development of a shale gas industry in Australia. ACOLA today launches a new report, which for the first time examines the spectrum of issues facing the development of a shale gas industry in Australia. Engineering Energy: Unconventional Gas…

New ACOLA Report International comparison study of STEM education

ACOLA today launches a new report, which for the first time compares science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education strategies on an international basis and identifies the key strategies of successful STEM countries. ACOLA today launches a new report, which for the first time compares science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education strategies on an…