Missing opportunities in Australian Innovation

The Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) has reported that innovation in Australia is suffering from a lack of direction, short-termism and a haphazard approach. Translating research for economic and social benefit examined innovation initiatives in 14 nations and found a clear link between national policy and performance. The 14 were: Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany,…

ACOLA SAF09 Translating research for economic and social benefit: country comparisons

Translating research for economic and social benefit – Country comparisons

Securing Australia’s Future SAF09: Translating research for economic and social benefit – Country comparisons There is an identified urgent need for Australia to improve the application of outputs from its investment in publicly funded research. Utilising country comparisons, this project will analyse international best practice approaches to encouraging and facilitating research translation, commercialisation and collaboration.…

ACOLA SAF01 Australia's comparative advantage

Australia’s Comparative Advantage

Securing Australia’s Future SAF01: Australia’s Comparative Advantage Establishing proper policy foundations, combined with public support and effective leadership, will better place Australia on a trajectory for national well-being. While change is challenging, the benefits of systematic reform and investment in our future to build Australia’s comparative advantage will mean higher living standards, increased equity and…

ACOLA SAF08 Delivering Sustainable Urban Mobility

Delivering Sustainable Urban Mobility

Securing Australia’s Future SAF08: Delivering Sustainable Urban Mobility Australia is one of the most urbanised nations in the world, with almost two thirds of the population concentrated in five metropolitan areas. Projected urban expansion, and the residential expectations of many Australians, are raising acute questions relating to the planning and provision of social, economic and…

ACOLA SAF07 Australia's Agricultral Future

Australia’s Agricultural Future

Securing Australia’s Future SAF07: Australia’s Agricultural Future Agriculture is an important part of the Australian economy and an area of significant comparative advantage. Agriculture can post major successes in developing and adopting innovations and new technologies particularly in dry land cropping, pasture-based production systems and biosecurity arrangements that protect against pest and disease incursions. The…

strengthening interdisciplinary research

Research training system review Expert Working Group appointed

Research Training System Review Expert Working Group Appointed ACOLA today has issued a media release announcing the appointment of the Expert Working Group for the Research Training System Review. The Australian Council of Learned Academies has appointed the Expert Working Group to conduct the review of the Research Training System, as announced by the Minister…