Making Interdisciplinary Research Work

ACOLA MIRW3 - Assistive Health Technologies

Making interdisciplinary research work: Final Phase. Assistive Health Technologies for Independent Living

Making interdisciplinary research work Assistive health technologies for independent living: a pilot study. Lessons Learned for Interdisciplinary Research: Good Practice (2013-2014) A pilot research project to test the findings from Making Interdisciplinary Research Work – Achieving a Sustainable Australia and Making Interdisciplinary Research Work – Evaluation Framework and Report September 2014 The final component of…

ACOLA MIRE2-The character of interdisciplinary research

Phase 2: The Character of Interdisciplinary Research

Making interdisciplinary research work The Character of Interdisciplinary Research. Examined through a sample of socio-environmental research projects Phase 2: Interdisciplinary Research Applications for Sustainable Resource Utilisation; and Sustainable Growth – Interdisciplinary Research Applications for Economic, Social and Cultural Prosperity (2011-2012) Making Interdisciplinary Research Work (ARC Linkage Learned Academics Special Projects Funding 2010 project LS1000004) commenced…