Understanding the Formation of the Attitudes to Nuclear Power in Australia

National Academies Forum Understanding the Formation of Attitudes to Nuclear Power in Australia This study seeks to understand the development of Australian attitudes towards the use of nuclear energy for the large-scale generation of electricity. The topic has become more relevant as Australians are now well aware of the risks attributed to a continued dependence…

Rediscovering Recherche Bay

National Academies Forum Rediscovering Recherche Bay Edited by John Mulvaney and Hugh Tyndale-Biscoe, 2007 Beautiful Recherche Bay, in southwest Tasmania, came to prominence only recently, buts its significant for Australians goes back more than two centuries. It was there in 1791-1793 that many of Australia’s unique plants were collected by botanists for the first time;…

The Development of Nanotechnologies in Australia

National Academies Forum Environmental, Social, Legal and Ethical Aspects of The Development of Nanotechnologies in Australia Australia has particular research strengths in nanoelectronics, nanobiotechnology, nanomedicine and nanomaterials and that these need to be at least maintained to give Australia a competitive edge in global science and technology and thus minimise the risk of losing out…